2013年10月28日 星期一

Masterobjects vs. Google

Masterobjects於2013.9.17.向加州北部聯邦地院提起專利侵權訴訟,控告Google的Google Instant、Google Suggest、Google Quick SearchBox等產品服務,未經其許可,於美國境內使用販售已獲准專利的發明技術及產品,直接侵害其專利權,且經原告通知被告專利侵權後,被告無視該侵權警告而仍繼續使用該技術營利,係故意侵害(willful infringement)其US 8,539,024號專利,除要求法院判決被告的行為侵權外,因被告有故意侵權的事實,還請求加重其損害賠償數額為3倍,且須負擔MasterObjects的律師費。

US 8,539,024
Title : System and method for asynchronous client server session communication
Filing Date : 2012.2.26.
Issue Date : 2013.9.17.
Abstract :
The invention provides a session-based bi-directional multi-tier client-server asynchronous information database search and retrieval system for sending a character-by-character string of data to an intelligent server that can be configured to immediately analyze the lengthening string character-by-character and return to the client increasingly appropriate database information as the client sends the string.
