2010年3月24日 星期三

松翰 vs. VTech


Optical Identify(OID)技術

根據松翰自己的預估,2009年OID產品線全年營收貢獻約1.5億元,目前OID仍以童書以及語言學習為主要應用,2010年如果市場可推廣至IP TV、Online GAME、Shopping Network等,占營收比重將進一步提高。

Title:Method for producing indicators and processing apparatus and system utilizing the indicators
Filing Date:2002.7.2.
Issue Date:2008.2.12.
The present invention discloses a method for producing graphical indicators and interactive systems for utilizing the graphical indicators. On the surface of an object, visually negligible graphical indicators are provided. The graphical indicators and main information, i.e. text or pictures, co-exist on the surface of object. The graphical indicators do not interfere with the main information when the perception of human eyes are concerned. With the graphical indicators, further information other than the main information on the surface of object are carried. In addition to the main information on the surface of object, one is able to obtain additional information through an auxiliary electronic device or trigger an interactive operation.
