2013年5月30日 星期四

Win Tek vs. TPK、Acer

勝華科技(WinTek)於2013.5.7.向Delaware法院控告TPK的單片式觸控感應器((One glass solution, OGS)及Acer的V5 notebook所用的觸控面板侵害其US8,330,738號專利。

Win Tek這次把TPK及他的客戶Acer一起告,主要是希望利用訴訟讓Acer把單轉給他,Acer在2012年的營收不好,但2013年業績大有起色,預計觸控式筆電的市占率到2013年底會有30-35%,而其所用的面板是TPK所提供,這可能是這次連帶被告的主因。

Title : Capacitive touch panel and electrode structure thereof
Filing Date ; 2011.4.25.
Issue Date : 2012.12.11.
Abstract :
A transparent capacitive touch panel comprising a transparent substrate, a transparent cover lens and a transparent adhesive layer is provided, wherein a first transparent electrode layer and a second transparent electrode layer are disposed on the transparent cover lens and the transparent substrate respectively. The transparent adhesive layer is used to bind the first transparent electrode layer and second transparent electrode layer in order to combine the transparent cover lens and the transparent substrate disposed in parallel. Thereby, the manufacturing process of the transparent capacitive touch panel is simplified, and the manufacturing cost of the same is lowered.
