2011年3月23日 星期三


德州的一家專利授權公司GeoTag就以一個定位服務的專利,自2010.7.至今告了將近400家公司,被告都是大咖的公司,像Boeing、Pizza Hut、Rolex...等。
Microsoft與Google於2011.3.1.聯手向達拉威爾地方法院(Delaware District Court)提出GeoTag專利確認之訴,主張該系爭專利無效及不侵權。
系爭專利的原始專利權人是Z land公司,2010年以約US$1.2億元被Ubixo電子付費公司收購,而Ubixo在2010.7.被併購納入GeoTag公司,成為GeoTag的子公司。

Title :Internet organizer for accessing geographically and topically based information
Filing Date : 1996.1.31.
Issue Date : 1999.6.27.
Abstract :
A software interface organizes information predicated upon the geographical area of the resources about which the information is desired. A user is presented with a \"viewpoint\" map which may comprise, for example, an actual visually displayed map of a selected geographical area, or text information which pertains to the resources associated with the selected geographical area. A geography database, a local content database and a yellow pages database are provided to allow the user to obtain information at different levels. The geography database allows the user to browse through different geographic areas of which are ordered hierarchically, while the local content database includes information about general goods and services available within a given geographic location and the yellow pages database includes information about specific goods and services in the geographic location. Thus, the user is provided with a means whereby information which is associated with particular geographic locations can be readily accessed.

其次,Google已將地圖服務視為主力產品,很多網站都利用Google地圖所提供的應用程式介面建立其軟體服務,而icrosoft的Bing也不惶多讓,Bing Map也建立地圖資訊平台,同時也提供給Bing開發者中心的軟體開發者使用。
