2012年11月9日 星期五

Windows 8甫上市即被告

Microsoft推出Windows8,為優化觸控螢幕的使用,採用Live Tiles的設計,由各種小方塊緊密排列,提供應用程式、網站、聯絡人和其它元素相互連接,它不僅能開啟程序,還可以實現一鍵跳轉的使用者介面。
不料,新的系統才推出,2012.10.30即遭到Surfcast於緬因州地方法院控告其侵害該公司的專利,侵權產品包括:Windows 8、Windows Phone 8。

Title : System and method for simultaneous display of multiple information sources
Filing Date : 2000.10.30.
Issue Date : 2004.4.20.
Abstract :
A computerized method of presenting information from a variety of sources on a display device. Specifically the present invention describes a graphical user interface for organizing the simultaneous display of information from a multitude of information sources. In particular, the present invention comprises a graphical user interface which organizes content from a variety of information sources into a grid of tiles, each of which can refresh its content independently of the others. The grid functionality manages the refresh rates of the multiple information sources. The present invention is intended to operate in a platform independent manner.
