2012年11月20日 星期二

VirnetX vs. Apple

美國加州的網路通信防護技術研發公司 VirnetX 於2011.11.1.同時向ITC及德州東部聯邦地方法院控告Apple所有搭載視訊通話軟體 FaceTime 以及雲端存儲軟體 iCloud 的產品,均侵害其US8,051,181號專利,系爭產品包括iPhone、Mac及iPad等。

Title : Method for establishing secure communication link between computers of virtual private network
Filing Date : 2007.2.27.
Issue Date : 2011.11.1.
Abstract :
A technique is disclosed for establishing a secure communication link between a first computer and a second computer over a computer network. Initially, a secure communication mode of communication is enabled at a first computer without a user entering any cryptographic information for establishing the secure communication mode of communication. Then, a secure communication link is established between the first computer and a second computer over a computer network based on the enabled secure communication mode of communication. The secure communication link is a virtual private network communication link over the computer network in which one or more data values that vary according to a pseudo-random sequence are inserted into each data packet.
