2012年8月1日 星期三

成功大學 vs. Apple

成大電機系講座教授王駿發向美國法院控告Apple的Siri語音管家系統,侵害其專利,大學申請的專利都是為了要應付計畫結案,很少會拿來做為訴訟之用,雖然自從科技基本法實施後,大學可自行運用它的專利,但國內的大學還很少與民爭利的。 從另外一個角度來看,應該也沒有學校會在年度預算中編列幾千萬的訴訟費,成大的這個案子,在國內是一個新的模式,但在美國有很多律師都是靠這樣賺錢的,自願幫你打官司,贏了再拿一定比例的手續費,其實這也蠻好賺的,如果被告判賠1億,只要拿1%就削翻了!不過,通常律師不會拿那麼少啦。

Title : Method and system for matching speech data
Filing Date : 2005.10.20.
Issue Date : 2010.4.27.
Abstract :
A method and system used to determine the similarity between an input speech data and a sample speech data is provided. First, the input speech data is segmented into a plurality of input speech frames and the sample speech data is segmented into a plurality of sample speech frames. Then, the input speech frames and the sample speech frames are used to build a matching matrix, wherein the matching matrix comprises the distance values between each of the input speech frames and each of the sample speech frames. Next, the distance values are used to calculate a
matching score. Finally, the similarity between the input speech data and the sample speech data is determined according to this matching score.
