2013年3月25日 星期一


曾經任職Sony近30年並在2002年離職的富田誠次郎(Seijiro Tomita),2011年控告 Nintendo 3DS的裸眼3D技術侵害其US7,417,664號專利,根據Reuter在2013.2.26.的報導顯示,富田誠次郎委託律師認為Nintendo推出具備裸視3D技術的3DS後,即導致富田已經很難再找到其他合作夥伴。

Title : Stereoscopic image picking up and display system based upon optical axes cross-point information
Filing Date : 2003.3.20.
Issue Date : 2008.8.26.
Abstract :
A stereoscopic video image pick-up and display system having a stereoscopic video image pick-up device including two video image pick-ups for outputting video information from the pick-ups; a stereoscopic video image display device for displaying different video images; and a medium for transmitting the video image information from the stereoscopic video image pick-up device to the stereoscopic video image display device. The stereoscopic video image pick-up device includes a cross-point measuring device for measuring CP information on the cross-point (CP) of optical axes of pick-ups and outputs information including the CP information and video image information to the medium. The stereoscopic video image display device includes an offset presetting device for offsetting and displaying different video images based upon the video image information, the cross-point information and information on the size of the image which is displayed by the stereoscopic video image display device.
