2011年12月26日 星期一

Apple vs. HTC案ITC終判

Apple vs. HTC案ITC終判在拖延數週後,終於在2011.12.19.出爐,判決結果Apple勝訴,4件系爭專利中,僅號裁決HTC侵犯US5,946,647號專利的第1及8項權利項,禁售令從2012.4.19.開始,HTC生產的Android手機含有侵權功能者,皆不得進入美國銷售。

Title : System and method for performing an action on a structure in computer-generated data
Filing Date : 1996.2.1.
Issue Date : 1999.8.31.
Abstract :
A system and method causes a computer to detect and perform actions on structures identified in computer data. The system provides an analyzer server, an application program interface, a user interface and an action processor. The analyzer server receives from an application running concurrently data having recognizable structures, uses a pattern analysis unit, such as a parser or fast string search function, to detect structures in the data, and links relevant actions to the detected structures. The application program interface communicates with the application running concurrently, and transmits relevant information to the user interface. Thus, the user interface can present and enable selection of the detected structures, and upon selection of a detected structure, present the linked candidate actions. Upon selection of an action, the action processor performs the action on the detected structure.

1. A computer-based system for detecting structures in data and performing actions on detected structures, comprising:
an input device for receiving data;
an output device for presenting the data;
a memory storing information including program routines including
an analyzer server for detecting structures in the data, and for linking actions to the detected structures;
a user interface enabling the selection of a detected structure and a linked action; and
an action processor for performing the selected action linked to the selected structure; and
a processing unit coupled to the input device, the output device, and the memory for controlling the execution of the program routines.
8. The system recited in claim 1, wherein the user interface highlights detected structures.
