2012年1月9日 星期一


正當Google的Android專利與Apple打的不可開交之際,Google己經把技術的觸角轉到其他領域,Google原來是從search engine起家的公司,慢慢涉足到browser、OS,從USPTO所公告的專利發現:Google現在又去玩車,足見其多角化經營。

Title : Transitioning a mixed-mode vehicle to autonomous mode
Filing Date : 2011.5.11.
Issue Date : 2011.12.13.
Abstract :
Disclosed are methods and devices for transitioning a mixed-mode autonomous vehicle from a human driven mode to an autonomously driven mode. Transitioning may include stopping a vehicle on a predefined landing strip and detecting a reference indicator. Based on the reference indicator, the vehicle may be able to know its exact position. Additionally, the vehicle may use the reference indictor to obtain an autonomous vehicle instruction via a URL. After the vehicle knows its precise location and has an autonomous vehicle instruction, it can operate in autonomous mode.
