2009年5月4日 星期一


Amaxon.com在2009.3.對手機用戶開放電子書庫,推出iPhone與iPod版本的Kindle電子書免費應用軟體,讓iPhone與iPod Touch的使用可以下載電子書內容。
瑞士通訊商Monec Holding公司隨即向維吉尼亞州的地方法院提出告訴,以Apple涉嫌侵害Monec在2002年1月獲得的US6,335,678號專利,控告Apple:侵害專利、不公平貿易行為、剝削以及侵權干擾。

Title:Electronic device, preferably an electronic book
Filing Date:1999.10.22.
Issue Date:2002.1.1.
An electronic device is provided with a housing, a display, input means, a microprocessor, a control arrangement, a memory, a power source, one or more interfaces for data exchange with a peripheral device. The display preferably provided as an LCD-display has dimensions such that with it approximately one page of a book can be illustrated at normal size, this display being integrated in a flat, frame-like housing. The input means for controlling the device are provided as a touch-screen in the display. A station for receiving and sending signals by way of a radio network allows the exchange of electronic data, such as for example E-mails, faxes, data from the Internet or the like, which can be visualized on the display. The electronic device according to the invention provides the considerable advantage that it is very light-weight and is easy to carry, can be used very universally and in this case has a relatively large display.

Amazon.com將電子書的閱讀軟體授權與Apple的iPhone侵權看起來是風馬牛不相及的二碼事,但是確連在一起,雖然目前大家都看不不出Monec Holding控告Apple的真正目的,但由起訴書中可以看到Monec Holding的理由是:Kindle for iPhone電子書閱讀器軟體出現在App Store,使iPhone成為觸控螢幕電子書閱讀器。本報認為這個事件比較有可能的是市場之爭,Kindle與iPhone、iPod Touch的結合,勢必會擴大二者的市場占有率,對其他業者的威脅無異增大許多,這又再一次的證明了專利是市場競爭的策略性武器。
