2016年3月30日 星期三


當全台的新聞報導都聚焦在Apple的iPhone 7怎麼沒有耳機孔的時候,大家都沒發現,其實它的耳機孔不是沒有,而是可能用另一種方式存在著。

Title : Detachable wireless listening device
Filing Date : 2011.3.29.
Issue Date : 2016.3.1.
Abtract :
Broadly speaking, the embodiments described herein relate to a media apparatus that can be used in conjunction with a host device to provide an end user a pleasurable listening experience especially during periods of physical activity. In the described embodiments, the host device can take the form of a portable media player. In particular, the media apparatus can include a listening device.
