加拿大i4i公司於2007.3.控告微軟Word產品中的XML功能侵犯該公司一項不需手動嵌入格式程式代碼的文件系統專利。美國德州Tyler郡的聯邦陪審團於2009.5.判定WORD 2003與WORD 2007中的XML功能侵犯i4i的專利,並要求微軟賠償US$2億元,並在60天後停用該項專利功能。德州東區地方法院於2009.8.12.核發永久禁制令,禁制微軟在美國境內銷售任何可打開.XML、.DOCX或DOCM(XML文檔)的WORD產品。
Title:Method and system for manipulating the architecture and the content of a document separately from each other
Filing Date:1994.6.22.
Issue Date:1998.7.28.
A system and method for the separate manipulation of the architecture and content of a document, particularly for data representation and transformations. The system, for use by computer software developers, removes dependency on document encoding technology. A map of metacodes found in the document is produced and provided and stored separately from the document. The map indicates the location and addresses of metacodes in the document. The system allows of multiple views of the same content, the ability to work solely on structure and solely on content, storage efficiency of multiple versions and efficiency of operation.